There are multiple resources here: music samples, lyrics, articles, blog musings, random photos, and a section on Evolutionary Consulting, sound-energy work, readings and some downloadable tunes. All the old band pages have been taken down, as we’ve all moved forward into other stuff.
I’ve not archived all the old blogs and pages, and I apologize that I’ve lost all your comments from all the band pages – sorry! Your thoughts & support have meant (and continue to mean) the world to me. (I just wasn’t thinking when I deleted the various band pages.) I’m impulsive like that: sometimes; you just want to let go of the past and start fresh…I should have archived everything, but here we are. 🙂
And so this site may seem somewhat empty – not gonna chronicle decades of material and replicate the gigantic Rock Scarlet site, instead I’ll post tunes at random… life just keeps rolling along, you know. It’s still about living NOW, being in the moment, and savoring every day. And we’re still on the journey together.
love you all,