..For an entirely different reason than first intended. And now it makes sense. Usually I don’t tell many personal stories. I’m just not one of those people whose facebook feed shows a bunch of photos of my latest meals or family, or personal posts about everyday life. But I want to share something that happened […]
Category Archives: Consciousness
Most of you who know me, (and especially if you follow me on twitter), you know that I’m acutely aware of politics. Politics is a challenging field, because of the obvious ego/greed base of most of the players in that particular game. And frankly, it’s exhausting to pay attention to it, much less be involved. […]
Something sweet to read aloud to yourself
I recommend reading it aloud to yourself slowly, three times… because it’s so sweet. I am the infinite deep In whom all the worlds appear to rise. Beyond all form, forever still. So am I Ashtavakra Gita 🙂
Being Uniquely You
The longer I’m on the planet…the less I give a sh*t about what people think. Don’t get me wrong, I really, truly care about people’s feelings; if anything, some of you would probably say that I’ve got an overabundance of empathy. So why would I say that I don’t care about people’s opinions?
Ah yes
“Waking up to who you are requires letting go of who you imagine yourself to be.”~ Alan Watts
Choosing our thoughts and getting free
I was listening to someone talking about their challanges the other day, and it soon became obvious that each problem was actually based upon a judgement. Yes, each problem was just a thought – not necessarily reality! And that got us pondering the myriad of belief systems that we humans have. Each belief is based […]
Zeitgeist Movies
I’m always recommending the Zeitgeist movies, and it just occurred to me that I don’t think I’ve done so on this blog. Why do I recommend them? Well, if you’re only reading this because you think my bands “rock”, then it may not interest you, and you might just want to skip this particular post. […]