In writing some of the new lyrics a bit of a philosophical discussion ensued… I suppose you could consider this all ongoing: I’d love your thoughts. Some of the topics… What is our human potential? Can we know it? Is there a limit to it? What about our individual potential? How do we consciously direct […]
Category Archives: Lyrics
Songwriting: Looking Glass Road
Today we made some progress on mixing some of the tunes that have been recorded over the past months including the last three (from last weekend). I awoke with the missing lyrics for Looking Glass Road; and grabbing my trusty pen and paper before I got out of bed, managed to jot them down before […]
Thoughts on Songwriting Styles
Yesterday Brian and I were going over our catalog of songs and it reminded me that some of you (especially other songwriters and poets) have wanted to discuss writing styles. What follows is a quick off-the-top outline of songwriting styles.
What would be an ideal society?
A couple weeks back I received an email from someone who had gotten ahold of a CD or one of our rehearsals. Normally I’d be kind of bummed that a raw rehearsal recording was floating around, but this made me smile. He was really digging the tunes and reading the lyrics online… and he said […]
Just a quick note that all the copyrighted lyrics are posted here now. We may take them off of and just have them here, (easier to keep everything current). Somebody said this week that the lyrics feel more powerful when I sing them than when they’re read. To this I’d reply: cool, then […]
Love Songs and More…
In the 06-24-07 post, I listed 5 of your questions – I’ll address the last two here. Do I ever write love songs? Well, on one level I suppose they’re all love songs!
“Why don’t you write political songs?”
I’ve been putting off answering this questions because I don’t want to go into a huge rant about politics 🙂 So, (hopefully) briefly…
The Oracle
The other night we were playing this new one that has such a great groove to it; it feels so sultry, laid back, and kinda dark, yet (like all our tunes) still fun of course. As soon as I heard the riff this dream scene came back to me and became the beginning lyrical lines. […]
Sunday Night – Guitar Tracking
We wound up doing guitar tracks tonight, with all the rhythms and solos done, and just a few clean parts to do on Monday. So vocals will have to wait till that’s done.
Watercolor Day
What if you could see the earth’s history compressed into just one day? Imagine the sun rising in the east, life beginning and changing shapes: plants fill the oceans, followed by fish, animals and birds. Species appear and spread over the land and water, then fade away, being replaced by others. Then human civilizations rise, […]