The whole world holds its breath

The whole world holds its breath until after Nov 4th. the question upon all our minds is this: Will we finally move forward and turn our back on the old way of living? An increaing number of us are aware that the old focus upon fear, driven by selfishness and greed – simply do not work. We choose Life.

How much will the corporate controllers allow?  And how long until we move beyond them?

The insane agression and divisiveness of the past 8 years have torn not only the country, but the entire world apart. In spite of the entrenched corporate/miitary/government forces still working to keep citizens dumbed down, hostile and fearful – will enough of us choose change, choose Life?

I believe we will…now its a matter of will enough of the privately owned voting machines actually record the true votes of the people? Will the forces of negativity disenfranchise hundreds of thousand of votes as they have the past two elections? Against this backdrop it might seem naive to believe that change is here…but I do. I feel it in the air… it’s everywhere.

Posted in Shows, Uncategorized.


  1. lady you are truley ahead of your time. They say the greatest gift is one given with no thought of recompense. Those who seek true power go it alone that they may be tested for worthiness, and after decades of dedication, hard work, and “walkin through fire” as you put it. You get a being worthy of respect and eternal reverberation. However the majority of the kids still vote their concience with wallet, remote, and stomach. so while Oboma ran on change, the only thing to change is the puppet and the year. We care about this petty politics BS because we both have awsome children and it’s our job to ensure their future. Well enough of this incoherent rant, it’s missing a few paragraphs that need not be said. Anyway I’m just a trained from birth warrior. Your the poet, thank goodness.

  2. Ah yes, you are right, of course. Politics often seem beneath those of us who realize that deeper and more lasting changes come from within each of us – not thru legislation. And election after election, the same old “powers that be” are still holding the reigns. I’m disappointed (tho not surprised) at the compromises that the Obama administration has made in important issues so far. And what’s up with blocking the investigation into the Bush/Cheney war crimes? Sigh…sad, but not surprised.
    Yet, as an architype, Obama still represents a different type of human being than, for example, the hideously arrogant and ignorant Bush.
    I see this shift as perhaps a symbolic image, part of a positive change that each of us are bringing about.
    Thank you for your wisdom, Warrior – you… and me, and the rest of us on this path are part of the genuine ongoing change. I’m honored by your comments.

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