Song Drought

Wow. I have no songs right now… no lyrics.  It’s weird.  And terrible.  I miss them. I had moved into writing some visionary lyrics and melodies, snippets of songs surprising me when I least expected them…more spacy songs, more poetry, more beauty.  Then came the coup of November 2018. But now, nothing — except a […]

New Songs…

I am so excited about the  new songs that we’re writing!  With the addition of Pete and Ian, the band now has three strong back up vocalists, which is allowing us to perform the songs with the nice full harmonies that I’ve always wanted.  For those of you who liked “”Seven Wonders” and Arriving” before, […]

Just a thought about creativity

In working/playing in the studio,  It’s easy to forget the actual moment of the song’s original beginning.  The writing and performing flow together into the production, and it feels as though the song always existed…we just give it a form in which to express itself. DaVinci said his sculpting was to free the form from […]

Rehearsal and updates

Last Wednesday we had a great rehearsal; we’re working up a bunch of new tunes, rearranging bits and getting them ready to perform and record.  We’d skipped last week, and we’ll skip this upcoming week too… so it was important to really get a bunch done in the time we had together.  It was great […]

thoughts on YOUR input

Tonight I was reading an article on Huffington Post by John Mellencamp decrying the corporate control of the music business that began in the 80s.  It was a good article,  in which he said something that really touched me: "The artist is here to give the listener the opportunity to dream, a very profound and […]

Rehearsal and appreciation…

Last night we had rehearsal, running thru songs for the show on Saturday night at Happy Hours, and changing up the sets a bit. It appears that we might also record that show, so if you’re there… the more noise the better! 🙂

New lyrics posted

We’ve added three new lyrics to the lyrics pages at and also duplicated here at The newest lyrics added are: Mushroom Sky Waves Breathing

Songwriting: Looking Glass Road

Today we made some progress on mixing some of the tunes that have been recorded over the past months including the last three (from last weekend). I awoke with the missing lyrics for Looking Glass Road; and grabbing my trusty pen and paper before I got out of bed, managed to jot them down before […]

Thoughts on Songwriting Styles

Yesterday Brian and I were going over our catalog of songs and it reminded me that some of you (especially other songwriters and poets) have wanted to discuss writing styles. What follows is a quick off-the-top outline of songwriting styles.