Time keeps flying – or is it just me? This last year has just flashed by in a blink of an eye, and here we are again in the lovely springtime. We’ve been writing some great new material, and some of it will be in the new upcoming shows. We’ll be booking and posting a new gig schedule in May.
Brian, Richie and I have been recreating our special magick in writing and arranging of late, and it’s really paying off. Our biggest challenge is finishing all these backlogged recordings, but they’re coming along too. The three of us have started to really vibe in like never before, and it’s showing in the new tunes. Now that the guys and I are really getting on the same wavelength – who knows where that will lead! 😉
We’ve been recording the new tunes as they’re coming along, and we could just get so lost in them right now… it’s delicious and addicting.
As the new songs take shape, the temptation is to focus so much on them as to forget the older songs..I think that’s always the way it is with songwriting. Since I began writing seriously (I guess I was about 12 or so?) that’s been a pattern with me, and it seems to be the same somewhat with all the songwriters I know. Its hard to be objective when each song comes from where we are right now, in the current moment. And the past is just a shadow behind us… yet there’s these songs that now have a life of their own, and they’re calling out to be finished already!
And, oh yeah, great news: Mike is back on bass after his hiatus, and we’re getting him up to speed on the newer material. We’ve missed him, and it’s gonna be fun to do shows together again.
We’ll be seeing you all soon!
I’ve heard that you won’t be playing Eugene clubs this year, is that true?
Hmm, that seems to be a popular rumor. No, it’s not that we don’t want to play clubs, but its that we want to do more benefits and stuff that matters as a priority. So we’ll be still doing local shows, and with a choice of our big rock show or our more mellow dynamic set. Both are fun, positive music – just what you’ve come to expect from us. Hope to see you soon!