Well, that was fun! Here’s the first photos of the show, this one that I took, and the rest are thanks mostly to Mike from Gung Ho Studios who snapped a few cool ones..(see below) 🙂
The photos are now posted at http://www.rockscarlet.com/gallery . Just look for the Goodfellas section – as always, you can click on the pics to enlarge them.
We played 4 sets, with the last set consisting of some wild jammy tunes and a brand new in-the-works song, Waves. Thanks so much to our great friends who were there, some of our favorite people – and some brand new favorite friends/fans from the last few shows in town —woo-hoo! It was great to see all of you there; you guys are really the reason the shows are so much fun.
I don’t yet have an update on that halloween show, and some other opportunities are floating around in the ether, so as soon as we are positive of anything I’ll let you know. We are exploring other venues that we’ve not yet played…just for the adventure of it all.
Now that fall is here, we may even get some new recording done. More on that soon.
Meanwhile – life continues to be magickal and everchanging…love you all!