Well, about the show schedule: we’ve given this some thought, and have reluctantly decided to drop nearly all of the out of town shows (gas prices being what they are – how we’d love to get into an alternative energy source!) So now the schedule is being re-done.
As of now here’s what’s still on the schedule:
Wednesday June 25th at the Black Forest in Eugene at 10PM.
Saturday July 5, Goshen “The Club House”
Sunday August 17 Cave Junction (not confirmed)
Cresfest, Saturday August 23. (This is a special semi-private show so contact us if you want to be there.)
Look for some new tunes and we’ll be breaking in a new backdrop pretty soon too!
The holes will now need to be filled in with more local shows. So sorry Sacramento, Portland and Seattle, for now we’ll be playing closer to home unless the pay is more abundant. 🙁 Probably just Eugene, Creswell, Cottage Grove, maybe a bit further out, but not much.
We love playing other towns because they’re so much fun, and we have so many great friends out there…but for now we can only travel to shows that pay quite well. On the up side, our local friends can check us out more easily. 🙂